lauantai 11. kesäkuuta 2016

November 1643 - Day 151

The life as CEO is busy. Martti barely manages to write something now as the year is already closing. Even the suit production, retire and promote in the company have already happened. The suits have not sold at all, it's almost as if all the 7 NPCC had simultaneously decided to rather drink wine and walk naked than dress like humans.

And this was actually quite much the case - the changes in the drink scoring have made buying clothes a losing proposition, something that will be remedied as soon as the King hears about it, Martti is sure. But this is not really that big a deal for the company - it was all the time counting to sell its produce to the Clans end users, and the time window planned is "after 2 spoils", which means earliest 3 years from now and no later than 6.

The balance shows 47 million, which of course is nice after the debts are all paid and 2 properties are churning income. The greatest contributor to the nice balance is the DIA5 that was sold at 61 mil, half credited to Martti. For such an impressive stone, the price was quite low even, but there is an unsold one at 81 mil against a bid of 61 mil atm.

The health challenge was tackled with baronial thoroughness. First 15*MEAD, 12*W1628 and the rest BEER, then 10*CIG, 2*SHI and the rest CAN. Finally 50*MEAT, 1*FOIE and the rest VEG, getting the remaining to Insignificant.

It is probably only a year, max 2, until the new barons are announced so Martti promises to spend a lot of time in the Gilded Goose (not that a special determination was needed, it's a premier fun place..) and talk to the nobles and lobby himself, "just in case" it was unnoticed that he won the 2/7 prizes in the coronation....

Martti sells his 1*S-VE1. The selling is not based on any exact calculation, but he feels that he'd need to log in on Thursday for the superveg, to derive the best benefit out of it, and that he does not have time to do every week, so better let go and employ the 5.1 mil for something else.

The final gem raffle yielded 2*EME and 1*SAP to Martti. He feels so loaded with royal gems* now as only 400 exist kingdomwide, and Martti has 2 diamonds, 2 sapphires and 2 emeralds.

*Royal gems are diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and topaz. The total quantity of these is restricted by the rules.

The need for the diamond ring is becoming acute now. The market is appraising DIA1 at almost the same price as DIA2, so Martti decides to go one step higher than the means allow - make the ring out of pure gold and mount the DIA2 to it, so that if the value of either or both rises, the ring will be worth 100 mil, the same cost as Martti's baronial house! These are the situations when Martti wishes his old man in the village of Sauste were still alive..

When deciding about the weight of gold, the plan was first to go for 15 grams, but then Martti buys 20, and has to take one more coin, just to ensure that the big diamond does not look stupid. So 25 CKG it is, and very elaborate of course.

Compared to this investment, it feels almost stupid to even sell the colored stones for a few mil - the price will rise - but Martti nevertheless lists them for sale and that's about it for now.

sunnuntai 5. kesäkuuta 2016

December 1642 - Day 145

Martti wakes up with a long yawn. His mind is fulfilled with the vivid visions of the Coronation - the event that had been waited for 10 years (officially: 8) since rpietila II assumed throne, and that is now completed and everyone is sleeping away their condition.

The Hall of Mirrors was indeed indescribable, well, trying anyway - 80 long, 12 high and wide, with 7,000 IC worth of late Rubens paintings about CK alone and more than 20% of the mirror area in town (well the compound is about 10% of the CUL output of the town as well..)

Martti's well-planned participation in the competitions was good. He actually won 2 of the 7(!) The only other one to win 2 was the 236-year old Duke of OZ. Other winners were Lord Syksy (the fatherhead of Syyskuu), the Duke of New Liberty, and Royal CryptoArmy.

Martti's first shot in the Sharpshooter (17/20, with the best base) was unbeatable by the others, so a DIA5 was pocketed to be divided between him and Roopatra. The first attempt at Horseback was also excellent, but the competition was fierce and the Duke of OZ beat him with a fearless gallop. Martti did not want to pay so much wine and risk his suit to be spoilt (Ezekiel, the son of the King, spoiled a 190-year old purple suit with 50 CKG, the one that rpietila I had worn as his everyday suit all this time, a priceless treasure, even considering it was the cheapest original royal suit). For second place, far ahead of the others, Martti was awarded a DIA1.

The nice bonus was the new player Freshman contest, which Martti won since there were only 4 participating, and Martti's descriptions about his life (in this blog, almost 100 texts already) were considered far surpassing those of the others. This time, a DIA2. And the raffle tickets, with any luck, will bring in an EME or even a SAP, since both abound in the prize pool.

Oh yes, and not to mention the LAG, which Martti got both to drink and to bring home (5 bottles; it's trading at 2.8/1.5 so among the best of the spirits). All in all, the Coronation was definitely the event that should seal Martti's Barony, and also brought in nice cash if the jewels get sold as is planned. "Eating makes you thirsty", Martti thinks as he considers which of the diamonds, DIA1 or DIA2 would fit his right middle best, and whether mounted in gold or silver. He ends up listing both for sale, and plans to withdraw the other when one is taken.

He cannot get rid of being a peddler totally.. SCI is so cheap, even after the surprise spoil, he places an order for 50 more. It just has to rise closer to the book value of 0.14. If the King says so, it will happen. When LAG came in 1608 (the year Martti was born), it was also noted that it will be drunk in Sir Zechariah's coronation. And it was.

The health, by the way, has been Decent for some time - middle age is creeping - but since the health challenge gets more difficult linearly, and Martti's wealth grows exponentially, he now finishes the second year in a row as:

The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be None. I could still eat 0, drink 0 and use 4 units of wisdom this year.

If the health challenge is conquered to None, it means the health does not deteriorate at all, and while this remains the case (the mechanism will be changed "soon"), Martti will have ample time in fulfilling his ambitions :)

torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2016

July 1642 - Day 142

In preparation for the coronation in 2 months, Martti now converted his gems and 25*TS163 silver coins to a coronet. He named it after the village of Sauste from where he came 20 years ago.

The rest of the IC is for sale since the price had jumped, which Martti does not believe will last. The residences produce plenty of IC.

Martti had in fact spent 140*IC in Italian Furniture. The sum is 3% of his wealth, and matches the spend on the Ming China. In Martti's belief, these two will increase in value in the future. As for gems, those as well, but the sapphire in the coronet is alone worth about 4% of Martti, so will need to suffice.

The business started fine. Not only the stock of Martti Tailors, but also its debt (DEBT-2), was sold quickly, prompting the new company THC to also have a debt issue (D-80THC)